4Cameron faced difficult transition
It is a fact that Cameron Diaz was once highest paid female actress in Hollywood. She could get up to $15 million dollars for a single movie. But, her transition was really difficult in the movies. She found it difficult to get transition from comedic roles to serious ones. She even got success in films like “The Holiday” but her fans found it difficult to digest her in a serious role. She was most liked when she attempted to make people laugh.

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5Has Cameron left Hollywood?
If the words of Cameron are to be believed, she is taking a break from Hollywood. But, many are having suspicion that she had already left Hollywood. The last film in which Cameron featured was 2014’s Annie. And, if reports are to be believed, she doesn’t have any films lined up for future. She wanted to have a break. She said, “I just went, ‘I can’t really say who I am to myself. I felt the need to make myself whole.” And, it’s been long since she disappeared.

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6Cameron had self-esteem issues
Cameron Diaz has always been vocal that she struggled with self-esteem issues in the past. She was having problems with her skin and acne issues. Despite being one of the most beautiful lady in the world, she sometimes feels like hiding her face. She said, “Beauty [is] a kind of radiance. People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes are a little brighter, their skin a little more dewy. They vibrate at a different frequency.”

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk