5His divorce affected him badly
Although Joel gives concerts, he hasn’t produced any new music for the last 24 years and has no intentions of making a new album. He says he still writes music but he hasn’t penned any lyrics. He says that after his divorce with Christie Brinkley, he missed his daughter a lot who would visit him temporarily. He was heartbroken and when began writing, all he could write was music but not words. The music he says came naturally to him and was full of emotion “Music speaks to me on its own. But I’ve never closed the door on writing songs."

Image Source: www.wnews.live
6His music is versatile
Joel has 12 bestselling albums to his credit and is loved by all age groups. Hi song Vienna was also taken as the original soundtrack for the movie 13 going on 30 starring Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo.

Image Source: www.synthetics-magazin.de
7He loves Madison Square Garden
He remarked once that it would be boring to make music for just people his own age. Joel spends a lot of time at Madison Square Garden living close by in Oyster Bay Long Island.

Image Source: www.shared.com
8He has toured with Elton John for 16 years
He says he doesn’t want to go on road tours anymore as he has a new wife and a child to look after. He does not like living in hotels. For the last 16 years, Joel has toured with Elton John but that ended as a regular feature after his hip surgery. Joel will be seen again on the 28th March, this month 2018 at Madison Square Garden. He also reveals that the last few tours with Elton, he could barely walk on stage and needed canes which he feels aren’t good on stage.

Image Source: www.billyjoel.com