5No more selfies with the fans either
For some reason, selfies are not allowed either. You can take a regular photo with Prince Harry or Meghan or even the Queen, but not a selfie. No one outside the royal family knows the reason why selfies are not allowed, but it could be related to security issues?

Image Source: www.thisisinsider.com
6No Facebook or social accounts in general
Meghan, just like any other celebrity out there, had social accounts with plenty of followers. But that’s no longer the case. Her accounts are gone since January 2018, and that means that she’s serious when it comes to following the Queen’s rules.

Image Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
7Can’t sit with crossed legs
This is probably how most women sit and that’s because it is comfortable. And it’s not just women, men sit with crossed legs too. But, the royals have their own ways and according to them, that’s not how a lady sits. Meghan can occasionally cross her ankles but that’s pretty much it.

Image Source: express.co.uk
8No voting
No one from the royal family is allowed to vote, but not by law. It’s simply considered unconstitutional for the Monarch to vote in an election. Besides voting, discussions about politics are not allowed as well. Or at least public discussions.

Image Source: www.thisisinsider.com