7Potatoes for treating stretch marks
Stretch marks usually appear during pregnancy, or after sudden weight loss or during adolescence. If visible it does look good at all. Unfortunately, it’s quite common and does not usually go away after repeated application of medications, creams or ointments. But there is a remedy right under your very nose and that’s potato.

How to do it
Yes, potato juice has important vitamins and minerals which promote growth and restoration of skin cells. It can help the marks fade away gradually. Cut potatoes in slices and rub the slices against the mark for several minutes. Let it dry and then you can rinse it off with water. It won’t be a magic cure but it will make it less visible gradually.

8Spoons to remove eye bags
In order to tighten your puffy eye bags and remove those morning swollen eyes, just place cold metal spoons on your eyes for ten minutes and lie down and relax. After 10 minutes you will feel refreshed and can apply your makeup easily. Now you do not need cucumbers, tea bags or even potato slices anymore.

9Honey to heal chapped lips
It’s not just the winter months which causes ugly chapped lips but any time of the year in a dry atmosphere. The dryness of your air-conditioned rooms can also cause chapped lips. Apart from that even allergies and the habit of open-mouthed breathing can cause chapped lips too. Instead of wasting money on costly lip balms and creams, use honey.
Honey is a traditional lip balm used over centuries by various civilizations such as Egypt, China, and Africa. It has amazing moisturizing and healing properties. You can apply it raw or mixed with some lemon juice and sugar as a scrub before bedtime. You can also combine honey with cream and rose petals as a lip mask.

Image Source: www.top10homeremedies.com
10 Lemon with honey to treat acne
We all know that lemon has anti-bacterial properties which are why it is good for acne. To further increase its antiseptic properties, combine lemon with honey, make it into a mask and apply the mask twice a week. Apart from acne reduction, you’ll notice this concoction reduces wrinkles and makes your skin appear fresh and supple.
