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15 Photos Proving That the Royal Family Members Are Just Like Us After All

By Nenad Dojcinovski, 21 June 2018


6They do social media


Respecting and following the tradition is a must when it comes to the Royal family. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep up with the latest technology. The family members are not allowed to have fan pages or be vocal on social media in general. But they can use social media for communication and sending an important message once in a while.

They do social media.

Image Source: www.wowkeren.com

7Running marathons


This could be just another example of hard-work, and it’s more than clear that both Princes are enjoying the race. They’re definitely a bit competitive, just like we all are with our brothers and sisters.

Running marathons.

Image Source: www.hellomagazine.com

8They always stay graceful


One of the most important requirements for being a part of the Royal family is, of course, handling awkward situations. You always have to stay graceful in unexpected moments and remember that you’re an example for millions of people out there.

They always stay graceful.

Image Source: msn.com

9They’re not afraid to try new things


We’re pretty sure Prince William is not a good singer, and he wasn’t required to share a stage with two professional and successful singers. But that’s not a problem at all since the Royal family doesn’t mind experiment and trying new things.

They’re not afraid to try new things.

Image Source:mshcdn.com

10They can be very serious


Serious and classy at the same time. It’s not all smiles and handshakes for the Royal family. They don’t poses any political power, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have any influence on the society. Which means when they are always ready when it comes to serious issues and solving problems.

They can be very serious.

Image Source: hellomagazine.com

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