Home / Celebrities / 15 Reasons Why the Lives of Rich People Aren’t a Piece of Cake After All

15 Reasons Why the Lives of Rich People Aren’t a Piece of Cake After All

By Nenad Dojcinovski, 3 May 2018


11The garden


Rich people are perfections, even when it comes to how clean the garden is. Every stone should be equally polished and cleaned, by a professional of course. You can’t simply clean every stone in your garden all by yourself.

cleaning stones

Image Source: www.eagleee.com

12Sleep time


And after all that gardening work, you can expect rick people to sleep on a regular bed. That’s not good enough. A far better option is, of course, a soundproof massage bed that’s probably worth a fortune.

Sleeping in soundproof room

Image Source: everydayentropy.com

13Playing cards


What’s the point in playing cards with regular cards? There’s no fun in that, there’s no real excitement. The real deal is playing cards with 52 iPads. Yes, it looks silly and it’s probably difficult to play, but that’s a challenge and we all know that rich people love a challenge.

Playing cards

Image Source: www.memecenter.com

14Business class problems


There’s a crying baby on the plane? Or someone just took their shoes off? That’s nothing! Have you ever tried to reach the seat in front of you, but you couldn’t? That’s what a real problem looks like.

Business class problems

Image Source: .brightside.me

15Buy yourself an airline


But when you simply can’t tolerate the extra space for your feet anymore, you just go and buy yourself an airline. It sounds easy, but it’s not. Just imagine the amount of paperwork your lawyer has to deal with if buying an airline is the only solution for you.

Richard Branson serving in flight

Image Source: brightside.me

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