It’s easy to say that life is not all about money and how little things matter. And that is the truth without a doubt because money can’t buy happiness. But how many times have you been in a situation where having a bit more money could’ve easily solved all of your problems?
Again, money can’t buy happiness but should we really live in a fairy-tail just to avoid the other side of the coin? Money is as important as those little things in life. You need money to travel the world, or buy a house for your family, or a car or simply eat.
That is the reality. But even though having more money could solve some of your current problems, it could cause other problems that you didn’t even know they exist.
The list you’re about to see is all about first world problems. Rich people don’t have perfect lives after all.
If you’re rich and part of the entertainment business, you should say goodbye to your privacy. This sounds like a good deal when you imagine all those supercars and huge mansions. But can you imagine a situation where you’re having coffee with your friends and there are 20 people with cameras around you? Thanks to the inventor of "invisibility scarf" against annoying paparazzi.

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2Pet problems
So you have a cat, and she’s a bit picky when it comes to food. You go shopping and try to find the perfect pet food for your cat because you love her and you don’t want her to starve. On the other hand, some super-rich people are having difficulties with choosing the right aquarium for their pet shark.

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3Knotted earphones?
Knotted earphones are as irritating as it gets. No one really knows how and why do earphones get immediately knotted after you put them in your pocket. But do rich people have the same problem? Yes, they do, but they also have to deal with picking the right key for the right luxuries car on daily basis.

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4More car troubles
Decisions can get more difficult as you make more money. What type of car should I buy? Ferrari? Lambo? Bentley? How about all of them?

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If you thought picking the right key is troubling, you’re wrong. You simply must have a watch that fits your car as well. You don’t want to end up wearing an elegant watch while you’re driving a sports car like Ferrari.

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