Home / Celebrities / Kylie Jenner Finally Reveals Truth About Her $450 Engraved Ring

Kylie Jenner Finally Reveals Truth About Her $450 Engraved Ring

By KK Angus, 16 March 2018


9Her empire


Kylie had taken a backseat in her makeup empire in the last few months owing to her pregnancy. And though she has been back with a new collection and social media campaign, fans fear that Kylie's appeal might never be the same owing to her shock pregnancy.

 Kylie Jenner

Image Source: www.elitedaily.com


10Trying hard


Kylie is trying very hard to star relevant and stay in the headlines. She is back on the party circuit, doing elaborate photoshoots but will she be able to come back as strong as she wants. People's interests in her is not as solid anymore and her private pregnancy and a cryptic relationship is not helping.

kyle jenner with her baby

Image Source: people.com

11Did she alienate her fans?


Most of Kylie's fans are millennials and teenagers who do not relate to pregnancy or even parenthood. Fans have in a way isolated her as they can't seem to find a resonance with her anymore. She’s still an icon but she’s now just another Kardashian-Jenner girl and not a fashion trailblazer.

kyle jenner fans

Image Source: www.teenvogue.com

12Busy family


The Kardashians are a bust family. While Kylie might think her mother and sisters are always going to be around, they have their own lives and own businesses. Plus, Kylie moved away from home last year, and that may have been a mistake as she could really use some family time right now.

Busy family

Image Source: www.digitalmusicnews.com

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