16Jason Momoa
Game of Thrones star Jason is perhaps the only man in this category who is just as stunning as a man, as much he would be as a woman. As a female, he would have the perfect cheekbones and gorgeous hair and eyes and we wouldn't mind meeting a Jennifer or Jessica Momoa.

Image Source: brightside.me
17Ryan Reynolds
Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds looks just as cheeky as a woman, as he is in his real-life. Ryan would not just be a looker with his dirty blonde hair and strong nose but as a female celeb, she could have taken Hollywood by storm.

Image Source: www.pinterest.fr
18Vin Diesel
We wonder if a female Vin Diesel would be just as interested in racing as the original Vin. Clearly Vin Diesel as a woman would be a total star, looks-wise but who knows, maybe a female Vin would be a stuntwoman or a racer?

Image Source: www.pinterest.cl
19Kit Harington
Game of Thrones star Kit Harington was probably better off as a woman as he looks just fantastic as a female celeb with beautiful eyes, hair and an incredible makeup game. Maybe Kit would consider exploring another option after seeing this?

Image Source: www.tetovasot.com
20Robert Pattinson
Now, Robert Pattinson is obviously a very attractive British actor, probably the most attractive British actor. But sadly robert as a woman doesn't really do anything for us. We guess some people should just stick to their gender?

Image Source: brightside.me