Fashion is changed, people. Even suits are no longer as classy as they used to be. People don’t dress that bad in general, but we do have plenty of exceptions that are rising in number. We understand the creative freedom that fashion designers have when it comes to coming up with new ideas.
But we’ve seen enough of these suggestions, and the only question we have is; who’s going to wear that? Well, as it turns out, there’s plenty of people willing to pay a lot of money for something that looks like it was designed by mistake.
Ripped jeans were cool back in the old days, and of course, the older generation thought they were useless and pointless. But have you seen the updated version of ripped jeans? They don’t even look jeans anymore.
It looks like someone was attacked by a lion, survived the attack and sold the jeans on eBay.
1The whole idea of wearing pants is to have your legs covered
As we were saying, attacked by a lion, survived the attack and sold the jeans on eBay. But seriously, what is the point of wearing jeans if they’re ripped apart and barely connected? Who thought of this idea? And how the heck did these jeans become a thing?

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2Wedding dress made out of condoms
Oh my God! Let’s just hope that this was a request from a customer. No fashion designer should ever come up with something like this.

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3This is probably the dumbest shoe design ever
Unfortunately, this is NOT Sparta and this is the stupidest shoe design ever. But maybe the designers were going after the Cowboy look? You know, when it’s super-hot outside by you don’t want to change your style.

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4You can even see the chest
The fact that someone designed and manufactured this t-shirt is not the worst part. But someone actually bought this? Someone spent money on a t-shirt that looks like this? What a waste of money.

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5Why don’t we avoid using car materials in fashion?
Being unique and original is a good thing in most cases. But being unique doesn’t always means that you’re being better. Just take a look at this skirt or whatever this is. It is without a doubt unique, but is it useful or better than a regular skirt?

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