17A pedestal fan as Christmas tree
The person has just used a pedestal fan as Christmas tree in the picture. He has just put up red stuffs at the base of the pedestal fan and his Christmas decoration is complete.
Image Source: www.scoopwhoop.com
18Laundry box used as Christmas tree
The person has used his laundry box as a Christmas tree. He has just piled clothes in the laundry box till the time it stacks up well above the permissible limit. The whole picture gives a feeling of Christmas tree.
Image Source: www.daviddror.info
19Halloween stuffs can also be handy in Christmas celebrations
This person has used a Halloween figure and turned it into Santa Claus. He just replaced the clothes and shoes to make it look like Santa Claus. Only the horrible eyes don’t go down well the looks of Santa Claus.
Image Source: www.scoopwhoop.com
20Box is decorated from tip to toe
The person has fully decorated a rectangular box from tip to toe. He has put pictures of Christmas tree on the box and used some decorative stuff around it as part of the Christmas celebrations.
Image Source: www.scoopwhoop.com
21Perfectly packed
The person had fully packed a Christmas tree which was used last year as part of the Christmas celebrations. He is again using the tree this year. The thing to wonder is whether it is a life hack or just being lazy.
Image Source: www.thesun.co.uk
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