They say fortune favors the brave and there is no finer example of such a phrase than the story of Renuka Aradhya now 50 years old. From a beggar to 40 crore transport magnate, he is the owner of a profitable transport company with 150 employees. Renuka Aradhya is an inspiring figure to many.
Renuka Aradhya now 50 remembers the day he would go begging for grain along with his father a poor temple priest in Gopsandra village in Bengaluru India. Courage and determination along with the will never to be poor again drove Aradhya through several obstacles in life till he reached his goal as the owner of the 40 crore Pravasi Cabs rental company.
1 Begging for food: How Renuka Aradhya’s story began
It all began in the little village of Gopsandra, Bengaluru India. Renuka Aradhya then a little boy was the son of a humble and poor temple priest at the Myutalamma Devi temple. His Father would preside over the rituals of the local village in the village temple. As a local priest, life was hard and the family survived on the meager donations of its patrons. There was never enough to feed the family which consisted of the parents, and Renuka’s siblings, an older brother and a younger sister.
In order to survive, Renuka’s father would go begging in the villages of the surrounding areas where people would give him grain. He would then sell the grain in the local market. After his priestly duties were over for the day, the old man would work as hired help doing household chores. On several instances, Renuka accompanied his Father with the begging bowl.

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