10 Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
The three stones of Capricorn shine brightly in the ruby and garnet tinted dress, while the clear blue shade of her hair depicts the lapis lazuli. The fact that the gown resembles a rose symbolizes the earth element. The horns and the body of the of the ram have been well represented in the finger tips as well as the borders of the gown.

Image Source: www.cdninstagram.com
11 Aquarius: January 19-febuary 18
The entire ensemble as well as the hair reflects the Aquarian stones of garnet and amethyst. The lovely airy gown signifies the air element and the earring are shaped I the symbol of Aquarius.

Image Source: www.ideaspots.com
12 Pisces: February 19-March 20
Archibald the artist has beautifully created zodiac princesses in the most fashionable and vivid of colors. Pisces has been beautifully depicted as a dress with a mermaid pattern symbolical of the water sign of Pisces. Moreover the aquamarine gown also reflects the water element as well as the stone of Pisces being aquamarine. Anther Piscean stone the amethyst has been reflected in the shade of the hair.

Image Source: www.cdninstagram.com