4 Cancer: June 21 - July 22
The flowing white hair of this princess clearly depicts the water element of cancer. The fashionable tapered dress well resembles the blood red ruby stone of cancer ruled by the moon. This particular aspect is symbolized in the white pearl ring on the finger and the white intricate brocade concealing a cancer design on the dress.

Image Source: www.cdninstagram.com
5 Leo: July 23-August-22
Leo’s fiery mane is well symbolized by the red and light green ball gown, the green reflects the Onyx stone of Leo. The fiery shade depicts the element of fire. If you look closely, there is a lion pattern on the back. The dress is tapered outwards to reflect Leo’s dominating nature.

Image Source: www.metropolitanafm.uol.com.br
6 Virgo: August 23 –September 22
The intelligent shade of peridot hair and the sheer gown patterned with vines and leaves symbolizes the tranquil earth presence of Virgo as well as its beauty. Dangling sapphire earrings and a loud detailed sapphire blue shade of the dress reflects the stone of a Virgo, the blue sapphire.

Image Source: www.ideaspots.com