Who doesn’t like dabbling in Astrology and looking up Zodiac signs. We all love reading predictions of our respective signs and accurate or not, one can’t help glancing at the forecast column of any magazine. But till now we have gone used to seeing the same old signs depicted by the same old symbols, isn’t it boring? But when this artist created zodiac princesses as fashion sketches to resemble the zodiac, the results were stunning.
Artist John Greg Archibald has actually portrayed the Zodiac in the likeness of fashionable princesses. So sit back and enjoy the show.
1 Aries: March 21 - April 19th
The Element of Aries is fire and signifies pure passion, spirit, vitality, and energy. Well, that’s perfectly reflected in the sketch too as you can see from aquamarine colored hair in a fiery wave. The gemstone of Aries being a diamond is reflected in the pure white dress.
Image Source: www.diply.com
2 Taurus: April 20 - May 20
With platinum blonde hair, the earth element of Taurus is well represented through Swarovski crystals. The green gown signifies the stone of Taurus, the emerald and so do the emerald earrings.
Image Source: www.metropolitanafm.uol.com.br
3 Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Gemini’s air element has been well reflected in the swirls of the pearl toned ball gown. The element of pearl is everywhere being the stone of Gemini and the finishing touch is in the large white pearl necklace that looks radiant.
Image Source: www.ideaspots.com