21 Little-known Facts About the American Secret Service

By Andrew Alpin, 12 November 2017

16The Presidential Car is called “The Beast"

The secret service is in charge of transporting the President in custom-built protective vehicles. The official state car is a customized Cadillac nicknamed ‘The Beast”. The vehicle is equipped with advanced technology and defense mechanisms as well as a communication device to protect the president. 

Image Source: www.businessinsider.com

17Jacqueline Kennedy would bum cigarettes of her husband’s agent

John Kennedy’s wife Jackie would always take drugs of cigarettes from agent Clint Hill who was in the car at the time Kennedy was assassinated. Jackie had a huge smoking problem which she tried to conceal. 

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18The death car

Since the tragic assassination of Kennedy, secret service agents started driving another vehicle alongside the president’s car filming it. This was done in order to gain footage of the president at all times. This will also help determine any untoward incident that may happen. 

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19President Johnson did not respect his agents

On one occasion it was reported that LBJ wanted to take a pee which he did shielded by an agent. He instead peed on the agent’s leg, seems his aim wasn’t good. When the agent remarked that it was gross, Johnson replied "That's all right, son. It's my prerogative."


Image Source: www.businessinsider.com

20To Keep out the sun D-UH!!!!

Many theories claim that they wear sunglasses to prevent people from observing where they are looking but that’s just an assumption, the main reason is what sunglasses are worn for and that is to shield the eyes from the sun. 

Image Source: www.thesecurityadvisor.co.uk

21Secret service agents can always be seen with hands near their waists

In most cases, a secret service agent will have their hands near their waist to show that they are always ready to reach for a weapon. The position may differ but the intention is to show possible attackers that they are on high alert at all times.

Image Source: www.liked.hu

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