Adam West, The actor who appeared in the first Batman TV series in 1960 died two days ago at the age of 88. To many of the present generation, Batman can only mean the likes of Christian Bale and of course George Clooney before him, but the caped crusader has a screen history way back to 1960 and that was when Adam West rose from a nonexistent name to one the most popular television actor of that particular time. Adam West was the first Batman on television. Here are 10 facts about Adam West.
1 Adam West worked as a tour guide before he became an actor
Before Adam West started acting, he worked as an island tour guide in Hawaii. Previous to going to Hawaii, he worked as a milkman in Walla Walla, Washington where he was raised.

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2 His first movie debut went unaccredited
Adams movie debut was in Voodoo Island (1957) where he played a weather station operator. His role was unaccredited. He was also chosen to be the host of a two-hour weekday show with a diaper wearing chimp named Peaches. The show held in Hawaii was a kiddie program named the Kini Popo Show.

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3 He changed his name to Adam West
One of the main facts about Adam West is his name. He was actually born William West Anderson, but after the Kini Popo show and several more roles, he moved to Hollywood in 1959. He then changed his name to Adam West because he said he like the name Adam and that it sounded good with his middle name “West”

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