Home / Celebrities / 20 Poignant Photos of the President We Love To Remember Barack Obama

20 Poignant Photos of the President We Love To Remember Barack Obama

By Andrew Alpin, 18 June 2017


16 Barack Enjoying Pizza


As a people’s president, Obama never hesitated to interact with epope when he got the chance. He is pictured here eating pizza with people who wrote him letters from Denver Colorado.

Barack Enjoying Pizza

Image Source: www.digitalrev.com

17 Barack Obama Riding the Elevator at the White House


This was one particular day Obama attended 10 balls. It’s no wonder he would look as tired as this. How many of us could survive one without tiring.

Barack Obama Riding the Elevator at the White House

Image Source: www.updateordie.com

18 Two former US Presidents together


A democratic moment with former President and fellow Democrat Bill Clinton who was in office before George Bush Jr from 1993 to 2001. Ironically he took over the Presidency from George Bush Sr.

Two former US Presidents together

Image Source: www.instiz.net

19 Obama with Stephanie Decker


Stephanie Decker was one of the victims of the Oklahoma tornado tragedy. She lost both her legs in the devastation while trying to save her children. Stephanie got an opportunity or rather Obama was given the opportunity to meet this braveheart.

Obama with Stephanie Decker

Image Source: www.pinimg.com

20 A Family Portrait


I’m sure this is the best image which every Obama fan would want to remember this former first family. Both Barack and Michelle were strict parents and a fine example of reasonable parenting.

Barack Obama Family Portrait

Image Source: www.medium.com

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