5 Straight-arm wall stretch
Perform these simple stretches by standing next to a wall with one side (either your left or right shoulder) facing the wall. Raise your hand and touch the wall. Your arm should be a bit higher than your shoulder and be facing the opposite direction from your face. Then start turning your chest in the opposite direction of your arm. You’ll feel your pec muscle being pulled and stretched out. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds and then switch to the other side for the same amount of time.

Img Src: pinimg.com
6 Corner pec stretch
Position yourself facing the comer of your room. Raise your arms and elbows to a 90-degree angle from your body, and move one leg forward. Your arms should be pressing against the wall, and you should feel your chest opening up. Hold this for 30 seconds and do it several times.

Img Src: pinimg.com
7 Backstretch
Lay on your stomach, lift your shoulders, and cross your arms under your chest. Place a blanket on the mat for your forehead to rest on. Stretch your arms out but to the opposite sides, one on top of the other, but don’t do overextend them. Close your eyes and take eight deep breaths, then stop the stretch. After a short break, do this exercise again, but this time put the arm that was at the bottom on top.

Img Src: pinimg.com
8 Figure 4 stretch
Begin this simple stretching exercise by laying on your back with your legs bent and in line with your hips. Cross one of your legs over the knee of the other leg. Then, grab the back of the knee of the leg that is still on the ground and pull it toward you. Keep your neck and head relaxed and stay in this position for a while, then do the same thing on the other side.

Img Src: spaly.net