We bet you are mostly ignorant about your favourite domestic animal. But all kittens are born with blue eyeballs. They change colour a few months after their births and you can only tell their final colour at least three months after their births.

Image Source: onedio.com
Sharks are the most difficult to study for obvious reasons and researchers have attempted for years. This is not to say they are beyond experiments, but they are just more inaccessible than other mammals. The above picture is thus, is not an x-ray but an ultrasound with drawn out lines which will help you understand their system.

Image Source: funnyjunk.com
A male elephant’s reproductive tract is about 2 meters long, and in scientific terms, they are called bulls. They start producing sperm from 10 years of age and continue till they turn 15. In the wild, mostly older bulls are more prone to reproduce.

Image Source: diply.com
You might have seen many turtle eggs laid out in the beach, sometimes hidden by sand. Did you know that mother turtles rush to the beach to lay their eggs, usually to the same beach where they were born.

Image Source: tumblr.com
Much like hawks bats also mate quite athletically. They fly in swarms and mate in an unique mid-flight ritual, which has been closely observed by science. Newborn bats are known as pups, and in fact their young ones are usually brought up i groups so bat mothers can help out each other.

Image Source: womany.net