If you're a wildlife lover or generally enthusiastic about science the following article will fascinate you. Over the years zoologists, scientists, evolution theorists have written thousands of books about the reproduction processes of animals. You might know that different mammals copulate and reproduce in a different way and people have always been curious about how vastly different their systems are.
You'd be intrigued to know that medical physicist and photography enthusiast Arie van't Riet’s works feature close-up x-ray shots of pregnant animals so that you can witness the magic up close. In fact his X-ray photographs have often gone viral and he even has his own website. He specializes in radiation physics and is fascinated by black and white photography, which would make sense as to why he is so interested in x-rays. He has even insisted that he prefers observing x-rays of regular commonplace animals like butterflies and fish, and not just exotic animals. Here's having a good look at some of his artwork.
1Guinea pig
Did you know that male guinea pigs mature slower than their female counterparts and can mate from 3 months of age? Female guinea pigs, on the other hand, mature sexually from 2 months of age. A guinea pig can give birth to 4 to 5 litters of babies per year. Its pregnancy lasts till about 65 days. And as the cycle goes the female offspring reaches maturity within three weeks of its birth.

Image Source: sfero.ge
Boas usually breed in the dry seasons. They are mostly polygynous, which means the male boas mate with more than one female boas. Female boas perhaps enjoy a the most fascinating animal pregnancies as they give birth to 60 babies at a time.

Image Source: www.ayoye.com
Most females Chinchillas mate by the time they are 7 months. Experts suggest that Chinchillas should be put into breeding before they turn 2 years old for optimum ability to breed. A chinchilla’s gestation period lasts for 111 days. Owing to the lengthy pregnancy, chinchillas are born with a full coat of fur and with fully-opened eyes.

Image Source: www.erdekesvilag.hu
The raccoon is perhaps the most researched animal ever. For hundreds of years an extensive amount of research has been done on them. Raccoons are born blind and deaf and remain so for the first three weeks of their life . They usually leave home after their first winter.

Image Source: www.erdekesvilag.hu
Science shows that monkeys have the most exciting reproductive and post-pregnancy life. The parent monkeys are known to play and frolic with their young ones and they are also fast learners. Interestingly, monkey babies adapt more from their mothers than they can learn from their male parent.

Image Source: www.espanolbuzz.com