Food poisoning can really make you ill. Not only will it give you diarrhea and extreme nausea, it will also dehydrate your body of fluids, make you weak and cause severe stomach pain. Food poisoning is caused by bacteria and toxins acquired form consuming bad food. What most people don’t know is that food in the fridge can also cause food poisoning. When you place a coin in the freezer.
Contrary to common belief that food in the refrigerator won’t get spoilt, it certainly can. Food defrosted and warmed several times becomes more susceptible to carrying germs.
1 Food may go bad in a freezer without you knowing
During a long holiday, your freezer should be emptied of food because what you don’t know is the fact that while you are away, your fridge may have experienced a sudden power cut causing food to defrost. When the power resumes it gets frozen again.
There are major health consequences of consuming bad food and the best way to find out if the food is spoiled, here is a neat solution.
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2 This is what happens when you place a coin in the freezer
Whenever you leave home be it for work or for a vacation. Place a cup full of water in the freezer. When it is frozen solid, place a coin on the top of the ice. When you return back, check for the position of the coin. If the coin is at the bottom of the cup with ice over it, this means that the power had gone off which resulted in the water becoming liquid after which the coin had sunk to the bottom.
When this happens, it is advisable to get rid of all the food items in the fridge as they may have surely gone bad. If the coin is found in the same position, it means there has been no powercut and the food is safe. Placing a coin in the freezer may in fact be a healthy thing after all.
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