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Ten Tips to Get Rid of Your Body Acne Once and For All

By Andrew Alpin, 8 November 2022


5 Only use a non-comedogenic sunscreen


The sun may be good for your health because it helps your body make vitamin D, but if you have acne-prone skin, spending too much time in the sun will only worsen your skin’s condition. Invest in a good sunscreen and make sure it is non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog your pores and is oil-free as well.

Only use a non-comedogenic sunscreen

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6 Don’t pick at or pop the zits


Popping a pimple won’t make it go away faster, and you might end up with sores, scars, or even an infection. Don’t scratch or pop the pimples on your body. If the itching is bad, see a dermatologist to get a spray or ointment to apply to the skin. This will help your skin heal better and faster.

Don’t pick at or pop the zits

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7 Include exfoliation in your body’s skincare routine


Salicylic acid is a gentle exfoliating scrub that can help deep clean your skin and wash away sweat, dirt, and other things that are clogging your pores and making your body acne worse. Exfoliation even removes dead skin cells, which helps the skin stay healthy.

Include exfoliation in your body’s skincare routine

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8 Make sure you always drink enough water


One thing you can do to help your body fight acne is to drink more water. This keeps your skin hydrated and stops it from making too much oil. It can also help your immune system work better. In turn, this helps the body get rid of bacteria that may be responsible for causing body acne.

Make sure you always drink enough water

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