Home / Talent Zone / 30 Spectacular And Mind Blowing Photographs That Had No Help From Photoshop

30 Spectacular And Mind Blowing Photographs That Had No Help From Photoshop

By Andrew Alpin, 19 December 2017


Mine workers climbing a mountain in Yunnan China


Taken by photographer Dmitra Stasinopolou of the red earth terraces in Dongchuan, Yunnan, China. The area was kept a secret till photographers stumbled on the place.

Mine workers climbing a mountain in Yunnan China

Image Source: www.wykop.pl



That is a treacherous thunderstorm and a tornado too. Thanks to all those storm chasers and foolhardy daredevils, we get photos like these.


Image Source: www.viralitytoday.com

Guess what this place is?


This is the inside of a guitar and the photo has been taken by photographer Simon Brook. The amazing photograph isn’t it?

Guess what this place is

Image Source: www.brightside.me

10 Chinese troops exercising


This was captured at the precise moment these Chinese troops were practicing marching drills in the early morning.

Chinese troops exercising

Image Source: onebigphoto.com

11 Snowline in Altai Mountains


The Altai Mountains in Mongolia where winter descends in October. The shot of the snow line on the mountains is spectacular and was taken by professional photographer Olga Skutina.

Snow line in Altai Mountains

Image Source: www.brightside.me

12 Beautiful landscape in Spring


This is an amazing landscape photograph of fields near Washington in spring taken by Aswin Gunawan an amateur photographer from Australia who lives in New York.

Beautiful landscape in Spring

Image Source: www.pinterest.com

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