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Top 20 Ridiculously Simple Things You Are Doing Wrong Every Day

By Milos Kitanovic, 18 November 2017


11Using too much soap


You shouldn't be using too much soap when showering because it makes your skin drier. So only apply it to necessary areas. And don't worry about not being clean enough after your showers, because the soapy water running down your body will make sure of that.

Using too much soap

Image Source: www.naturallycurly.com

12Breathing with your chest


Not all breathing is the same. That's why you need to breathe as deep as possible. And you do that by using your diaphragm and not your chest. As a result, you'll have more oxygen. That will keep the stress away, and your overall health will be better.

Breathing with your chest

Image Source: www.brightside.me

13Brushing your teeth


We already covered the proper use of toothpaste; now it's time to focus on the way you are brushing your teeth. While it may seem like it doesn't matter how you brush your teeth as long as you brush them, it's of high importance that you include some vertical movements in your routine, not just horizontal ones. And you do that from the gums to the edge of the tooth.

correct way brushing your teeth

Image Source: www.jarm.com



We understand the enthusiasm, but by no means, you should start your workout before warming up. That way you'll avoid all sorts of injuries, and you'll be able to reach your fitness goals.

girl exercising

Image Source: www.cosmeticapersonalizada.com

15Holding a drink


While it may seem like it's not important, you should know that the way you are holding the glass of beer or wine can make the difference. If you hold the glass by its body, your hands will affect the temperature of the drink, and your drink will eventually change its flavor.

 holding drink correct and wrong way

Image Source: www.brightside.me


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