6Applying perfume
Want to make a good impression and smell great? You might want to know how to apply a perfume without wasting it too much. Because if you do that, your smell might end up irritating everyone around you. To avoid these situations, you must follow a couple of rules. First, apply perfume in the points where you can feel your pulse. The reason? These are warmer areas of your body, so not only will the perfume spread better, but it will also last longer. And rule number two, don't apply it in the areas where you are sweating because the combination of the two will only make it worse.

Image Source: www.5top.com
7Carrying your groceries in one bag
You should always use more supermarket bags and distribute the groceries equally instead of just putting them all in just one bag. Your back will be grateful. And just so you know, you should always bend yourself before lifting heavy products. That way, you minimise the risk of any knee injuries.

Image Source: www.buzzfeed.com
8Using a toilet paper
If you think it doesn't matter how you hang a toilet paper roll, think again because there are some rules that you must follow to stay healthy. You should know that the end of your toilet paper roll should be in the over position because if it isn't, your hand will most likely touch the wall and all the bacteria on it.

Image Source: www.imgix.net
9Eating from Chinese takeout containers
If you are having a hard time eating Chinese food from those deep and narrow takeout containers, you need to know that there is a catch. First, you remove the wire handles from each side. Then you want to pry the flaps apart and voila, the box will spread out and make eating Chinese food a pleasant experience.

Image Source: www.buzzfeed.com
To put it simply: multitasking ruins your productivity. Instead, it's better for you to focus on one task at the time, with breaks between each task. This will reset your brain, and you'll be more concentrated.

Image Source: www.brightside.me