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These simple tricks can make your household chores less stressful

By Kavita Panyam, 22 September 2017


Each day sees us tackling various household jobs. There are days when time could be a constraint leading to a backlog later on. Have you ever wondered that there could be another way of doing the same routine jobs differently and in lesser time? Yes, that's right. We have compiled a list of tasks that can be done easily without much stress.

1Have Some Leftover Sauce?


When you find that you have some leftover sauce, freeze it in an ice tray so that it can be used some other day when you don't have enough time to cook a proper meal. All you have to do is add the sauce cubes alongside some pasta or macaroni and voila' your meal will be ready in minutes!

freeze the  Leftover Sauce

Image Source: www.herbeauty.co

2Want Thin Slices of cheese?


Have you been at your wit's end trying to get thin cheese slices? Well, all you had to do was to use the good old potato skin peeler to get thin and even slices of cheese.

Slices of cheese

Image Source: www.goldenagecheese.com

3Don't have a lemon squeezer?


Do you need to juice a lemon without the squeezer? Don't fret. You just need to warm up the lemon in a microwave to make your job of using your hands to squeeze out the juice a lot easier.

squeezing lemon

Image Source: www.tumblr.com

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