So are you schizophrenic or a genius? When questions are put forward to you to understand your nature, it is answers to simple questions rather than complex ones that reveal the most about you. Leading psychologists use such methods to determine whether a person is an average person, a genius or a schizophrenic who may benefit from professional help.
The questions below are really simple but they may take you a moment or two to come up with a correct answer. How you answer or how you don’t will reveal how your mental faculties work in making you the kind of person you are. Take the test and find out who is sitting in your head, the mad hatter, Picasso or Albert Einstein or just normal you!!
1 The questions
Take a look at the picture below. Each number 1, 2 and 3 ask a question. Frame the answers and then write them down on a piece of paper. Once you have done this, check your answers on the next page.
- What do a kettle and a steamboat have in common?
- What do a race car and a tornado have in common?
- What do a shoe and a pencil have in common?

Now that you have answered these, the most interesting part of this quiz is on the next page where you may be surprised at the revelation of the question are you a schizophrenic, a genius or an average person. You’ll be amazed at what constitutes an average healthy person.
2 The Answers to Your Three Questions Are Given Below
- What do a kettle and a steamboat have in common? = STEAM
- What do a race car and a tornado have in common? = THEY BOTH MOVE IN CIRCLES
- What do a shoe and a pencil have in common? = THEY BOTH LEAVE BEHND A TRACE OF THEIR PRESENCE
Now that you have answered these, the most interesting part of this quiz is on the next page where you may be surprised at the revelation of the question are you a schizophrenic, a genius or an average person. You’ll be amazed at what constitutes an average healthy person.