11 Hands holding a baby
This was done by almost blind artist Dennis Massoud in the Canary Islands. Massoud who is from Noosa Heads, Queensland is half blind and deaf in one ear. Massoud travels the world displaying his sand sculptures at exhibitions. Massoud is a dedicated sculpture since he was young and gets several jobs in the Middle East for sculptures.
Image Source: vidyomani.com
12Water goddess
This is a sand sculpture done by local artists on Juhu beach Mumbai India. India is a place where coastal areas full of beaches invite artists all over the country to participate in sand sculpting competitions.
Image Source: www.laughspark.com
13Music and the arts
A sand sculpture presumably of Mozart at Sand City Algarve. It seems one covers almost every theme with sand sculpting and these images are truly breathtaking knowing that they are made of sand.
Image Source: retiredandtravelling.com
14Alice in Wonderland
Now, this is simply mindblowing as there is so much detail in the sculpture. Truly a remarkable feat. The biggest feat of such artists is that the combination of the sand mixture has to be just right or an exhibit may crumble.
Image Source: pinimg.com
15The King
This is an exhibit in the Mysore Sand Museum India and has been done by Indian Sculptor M.N. Gowri. The best thing about the Mysore museum is that exhibits are covered and protected from weather elements.
Image Source: www.topzivot.cz