Home / Supernatural / Place 3 Lemons on your nightstand every night. It may change your life for the better

Place 3 Lemons on your nightstand every night. It may change your life for the better

By Andrew Alpin, 19 March 2017


5 Use Lemons for protection

This is a tradition practiced in India for centuries where Lemons can protect you form evil and negative thoughts of others. To protect yourself from envy and malicious intentions of colleagues, you can take 3 lemons and place them in your drawer or even in your handbag. A bunch of lemons can be hung in your front door to ward off any evil eye. You can even carry as lemon in your pant pocket the entire day. This will absorb all negative energy directed against you keeping you in a calm and composed mood.

Use Lemons for protection

Image Source: www.intoday.in

6 How to get rid of negativity surrounding you

Take one large lemon. Cut it in four pieces and arrange them in a plate in the shape of a cross. Then with salt form a circle around the lemon cross. Place the plate beneath your bed or as close to your bed as possible before sleeping at night. Lemons on your nightstand could also achieve a similar effect.

In the morning when you awake hold the plate and drop the lemons and salt into a plastic bag without getting any on your fingers. Seal the bag and discard it as far as possible. This should be repeated for three days and should well improve your own mood and your general way of feeling.

How to get rid of negativity

Image Source: www.bodymindsoulspirit.com

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