Home / NEWS / ‘Memphis Meats’ To Sell Its Lab-grown Meats In The Market Soon, Says It Can Stop Animal Slaughter Across The World

‘Memphis Meats’ To Sell Its Lab-grown Meats In The Market Soon, Says It Can Stop Animal Slaughter Across The World

By Ashish Ranjan, 27 November 2017


4 The Investors of Memphis Meats Include Famous Names Auch as Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Jack Welch


Steve Jurvetson, a venture capitalist, who funded Memphis Meats said, "they are the only one that convinced me they can get to a price point and a scale that would make a difference in the industry." The investors of Memphis Meats include famous names such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Jack Welch.

There is a reason why people like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Jack Welch are excited at about Memphis Meats. It is not all about making profits alone. Meat is also an ongoing environmental and public-health catastrophe. Livestock account for 14.5 percent of greenhouse gas production and it is expected to go up in the coming years. Global pandemics can easily be caused by overcrowded pig and poultry farms. As the animals are often full of antibiotics, it gives rise to drug-resistant superbugs. 

Bill Gates, Richard Branson

Image Source: www.vanityfair.com

5 Memphis Meats is Close To Achieving Tthe Target of Producing Lab-grown Meats at Affordable Prices


As per the claims of Memphis Meats, they are now too close to achieving the target of producing lab-grown meats at affordable prices. It aims to brew meat at a price of $2 per pound. They also aim to completely wipe out the custom of slaughtering animals for the purpose of meats. Valeti said, "The status quo in animal agriculture is not OK. That status quo is going to kill a lot of people and it gives all the more reason to bring on the second domestication." 

Memphis Meats

Image Source: www.foodbeast.com


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