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How to Organize Homework: Step by step

By AK, 6 December 2018


6Material fixing


Written assignments fulfillment should begin with a repetition of theoretical material, i.e. from work on a textbook. First, you should do it in order to make it easier to find a way to solve written assignments and justify your choice. Secondly, the repetition of the material as a result of oral and written work increases the strength of the material fixing.

7Working with a textbook


When working with a textbook, the order of student actions is as follows:

Recall what was left in the memory of the lesson (from the notes in the notebook and the drawings in the textbook)

Read the paragraph, highlighting the main idea of the text, and read the highlighted rules;

Try to reproduce the material (retell out loud or silently, make a plan of the reading, answer the questions of the textbook);

In case of difficulties, it is necessary to read through the textbook once again and achieve free reproduction of the material.

8Complex material


Complex material (text) should be divided into several semantic units. If the text is very large and complex, then each part must be taught and reproduced separately. At the same time between each of the parts it is desirable to arrange a short rest (5-10 min).

9Completing the tasks


Homework is best done in just a few cycles. This means that after completing the tasks in all subjects it is necessary to take a break for 10-15 minutes, and after that, to repeat the completed tasks, reproducing them in the same sequence as the first time.

10Moral satisfaction


Line through the completed tasks. This will bring you not only a sense of moral satisfaction, but also clearly show how close the final is.

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