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How 23 Animals Look Like Before Giving Birth to Their Babies

By Andrew Alpin, 12 June 2018


16Frog: Where’s the glow?


This is a transparent glass frog which is considered a new species. The skin is so transparent that you can even see her organs and the fact that she is pregnant too. Glass frogs are a rare breed and exist in the forests of Central America.

Frog:  Where’s the glow?

Image Source: redditmedia.com

17Squirrels: I have to eat for two!


Now hats a lovely looking squirrel that is healthy and pregnant. Squirrels depending on their species, take up to 45 days to gestate after which about 3 to 4 hairless rat type babies will be born. This mama seems to know that she is supposed to eat.

Squirrels: I have to eat for two!

Image Source: bastanteinteressante.org

18Giraffe: This whole thing is a mission impossible


As the tallest land animal in the world, Giraffes really need to have strong legs to carry their weight and imagine when one is pregnant; life truly becomes a mission impossible. Giraffes will gestate for 15 months after which one baby will be born.

Giraffe: This whole thing is a mission impossible

Image Source: brightside.me

19Yes snakes can get pregnant


Obviously, they can or else who will they give babies. Snakes actually reproduce either of two ways, by giving live birth or laying eggs. They will either lay their eggs in a safe place or carry them till the young are ready to come out.

Yes snakes can get pregnant

Image Source: www.pinsdaddy.com

20Lizards: I’m just a fat crawler


Believe it or not Australian lizards suffer horrible pregnancies where they have to hold really big infants without swelling or extra body space. It’s the equivalent of a woman giving birth to a seven-year-old child. However, this is an image of a gecko who lays eggs every 15-22 days over a five-month period.

Lizards: I’m just a fat crawler

Image Source: bastanteinteressante.org

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