6Lions: Proud Lion mummy
Now that’s a proud mommy. A pregnant lioness will be pregnant for at least 110 days after which she will deliver at least 2-4 cubs. These two look pretty cool walking together. Once three years old, their males babies will leave the parents.

Image Source: wikimedia.org
7Fat tigress: Oh I’m so heavy!!
Now this tiger looks well and truly pregnant as you can see from her size. Tigers gestate for upto 3.5 months and this female is definitely in the last stages of pregnancy as Tigers only show a bulge in the last 10 days of pregnancy. They may deliver between 1 -7 cubs.

Image Source: ytimg.com
8Sea horses: who’s got more??
Wow! Imagine seeing pregnant sea horses and this is what they look like. But did you know that it is the male sea horse that carries the young till birth. A female seahorse lays about 1500 eggs in the male’s pouch who will carry them for about 9-45 days.

Image Source: noticiasaominuto.com.br
9Turtles: I’m holding on to these!
Here is an x ray of a turtle’s stomach with eggs in them. Turtles may hold on to their eggs from anything between 7 weeks to two years however the incubation period of the eggs is about 60 days. The main nesting months are from May to October.

Image Source: imgur.com
10Fish: I’m a guppy gal
Well, it’s fairly easy to understand how fish deliver babies. If you have kept an aquarium you will know they lay eggs on the surface of the water that looks like frothy bubbles. This is a picture of a guppie whose babies will be born after 30 days. She may have one or two or even two hundred at a time.

Image Source: answcdn.com