11Keowee Dam, USA
This reservoir in South Carolina is shaped like a Christmas tree and is heavily blurred by Google. Authorities have never confirmed it but it is believed that the dam is used for running the Oconee Nuclear Station and is also referred to as the American Fukushima.

Image Source: www.cloudfront.net
12Unknown Area In Siberian Tundra, Russia
Among the entire secret places o Google Earth, this is perhaps the most mysterious and there is a sinister story behind the huge blur put there by Google over the area. The site is located in the Siberian Tundra near the Russian city of Egvekinot just near the border to Alaska. The Russian authorities had sealed entire sities and towns in the area in 1986 where some were home to more than a million people. The mysterious cities were given names like Krasnoyarsk-26 and Tomsk-7. One such area named Arzamas-16 was home to a colony of superior nuclear scientists and engineers. It was widely believed that the area was taken over by the government during the cold war of the sixties and used as a missile or radar station.
Many net observers also commented that the surrounding areas were copy pasted from other parts of the country.

Image Source: www.misteriosdomundo.org
13The Michael AAF Building, USA
This is a highly classified area in Utah that belongs to the US military. The only information known about it is the fact that it is used as many presume to be a biological and chemical weapons testing facility. There is no other information regarding it. The entire area has been blurred out by Google Maps.

Image Source: www.newsapi.com.au
14HAARP Site, Gakona, Alaska, USA
The abbreviation HAARP stands for High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program. It is a highly controversial operation currently operating in the USA. The Gakona AK test site conducts ionospheric testing and is alleged by conspiracy theorists to be the cause of natural disasters like earthquakes although there has been o evidence of that till date.

Image Source: www.coolinterestingstuff.com
15Valencia City, Philippines
Valencia City in Philippines is home to more than 160,000 people but it is also regarded as the headquarters of the Governments missile testing facility and various defence programs which is why it has been pixilated as one of the secret places on Google Earth for security reasons.

Image Source: www.dv.is
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