8Two pills
A person abducts other people and gives them the choice of having one pill from the two. He tells everyone that one pill is harmless while the other one is poisonous and whichever the victim chooses, he will take the other one. However, every time the victim loses his life while the abductor is absolutely fine.
Can you tell why nothing happens to abductor or how did he get the harmless pill every time?

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The truth about the pills
Both the pills appear to be the same in shape, size, and color so there’s no chance that the abductor can differentiate between them and even if he could, the victim got the opportunity to choose first so it’s crystal clear that both the pills were absolutely harmless every time; however, the poison was in the water which the victim used to consume with the pill.

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9Where is the money gone?
A $100 bill was kept by the house owner on the table before he left for work but when he returned, the bill was nowhere. The three people whom he suspected were maid, cook and the electrician.
He asked the cook about the bill, the cook said that he put it under the book so that it doesn’t get lost. When the maid was asked the same question, she said that she placed the bill in the book between the pages 10 and 11. When the electrician was asked about the bill, he said that he saw it coming out so he put it safely between the pages 11 and 12.
The house owner understood who stole the $100 bill. Can you tell who the thief is?

Image Source: www.culturehook.com
A little common sense will get you the answer
The electrician has stolen the bill because the owner checked the bill between the pages 10 and 11. This means that pages 11 and 12 are on the opposite sides of a single sheet. Therefore, there’s no chance that the $100 bill can be kept between pages 11 and 12.

Image Source: ww.culturehook.com
10Poisonous apple
A woman invited a guest for dinner and after dinner offered her an apple but she refused as she was full. However, the lady divided the apple in half with a knife for sharing the apple. They both started eating apple but as the guest tasted it, she passed away.
Can you tell how can she pass away when they both had the same apple?

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Was the apple really poisonous?
The woman used knife coated with poison just on one edge for cutting the apple and gave that part to the guest. This way, the victim consumed the poisonous part and lost her life while the host remained heart and healthy as she consumed the safer side where no poison was touched.

Image Source: teach.az