Home / DIY Ideas / DIY Pine Cone Crafts to Decorate your Home

DIY Pine Cone Crafts to Decorate your Home

By Afsana Khatoon, 7 October 2017


2A Pine Cone Heart Wreath


Here is one interesting fact about pine cones. Ancient Romans believed pine cone cones to be a symbol of love. It is often associated with Venus, who is the Goddess of love and fertility. If you have to arrange for a special valentine gift then why not make a heart-shaped wreath for your beloved or for anyone whom you really care about. I am sure no other thing would impress them more than a specially made handcraft. 

Pine Cone Heart Wreath handcraft

Image Source: www.tutorialous.com

3Pine Cone Christmas Trees and Decorations


With autumn bidding us farewell, we have to make way for Christmas. So this year why don't you think of something different and make a homemade Christmas tree using pine cones. You can also make homemade gifts for your friends. 

Pine Cone handmade Christmas Trees

4Pine Cone Candle Jars and Lighting Crafts


Do you know, we apparently have a pine cone our head? It is the Pineal Gland in the center of our brain. It is named so because the gland is pine cone shaped. Our perception of light is governed by this very gland. For a long time, it has been considered to be our "third eye" and "the epicenter of enlightenment". So why not think of making something that may enlighten your very home too. You can Make pine cone special candle jars and other lighting ornaments. 

Pine Cone Candel Jars and Lighting

Image Source: www.architectureartdesigns.com

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