Imagination is a wonderful blessing that lets us create and go into worlds that may not truly exist, but that never means that those worlds are not great to look into. The power to create such stunning worlds lie with creative geniuses who not only create a world that is magnificent to look at, but they also take it upon themselves to send out a message that needs to be heard by people across the world. A digital artist from Australia, named Eben has recently garnered much fan-following because of his unique artworks. The recent photo-collection of the artist that has received attention from thousands of people has giant animals and tiny humans as the premise, upon which a different world has been created.

1Eben’s Inspiration
Eben’s Instagram account, @ebenism is like a window to his imagination. His inspiration comes from the awe and might of the animal kingdom and the living world around us. Eben believes that we all have a spirit animal inside us, which challenges, guides and protects us in this world that is diving deeper into chaos.

When an artist is so deeply inspired by the animals of our world, the one issue that he cannot leave is the fact that human encroachment has led to the demise of many species and here too, Eben has touched upon this issue with his digital manipulations which make us realize why we need to take care of our animals.