Home / Pet Care / This Family Makes A Perfect Room For Their Dog As She Was Getting A Human Sister

This Family Makes A Perfect Room For Their Dog As She Was Getting A Human Sister

By Ashish Ranjan, 30 January 2018


4Molly was soon going to become big sister of an upcoming baby


Molly was soon going to become big sister of an upcoming baby

Image Source: www.thedodo.com

As the couple said that the Molly was going to become big sister of their baby. Molly also reciprocated the love and took best care of the baby Catelyn.  The couple wasn’t sure about the space that was behind the wall. They initially did a hole on the wall to look inside and check whether there was ample space there. They thought that there will be dead space behind the stairs.

Molly was soon going to become big sister of an upcoming baby1

Image Source: majesticbunny.com

5The family made a lot of adjustments in the house to accommodate a room for Molly


The family made a lot of adjustments in the house to accommodate a room for Molly

Image Source: www.thedodo.com

The couple had to make a lot of adjustments in the house. They had to move the wiring of the house alarm system. They also did some changes in the kitchen which included the adding of tongue and groove panels.

The family made a lot of adjustments in the house to accommodate a room for Molly1

Image Source: www.theepochtimes.com

6They cut the wall in a manner that it looked like a door


They cut the wall in a manner that it looked like a door

Image Source: extra.ie

They cut down the wall in the manner that it looked like a door. The door was cut out in the quest to make it suitable for Molly to sneak in her own space. It eventually turned out to be bigger than they thought. It was around 4 squares metres.

They cut the wall in a manner that it looked like a door1

Image Source: www.theepochtimes.com

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