13 Sneezing Facts and the Scary Reason Why You Should Not Stop a Sneeze

By Andrew Alpin, 8 March 2018

5A sneeze can travel up to 5 feet

Among sneezing facts, a sneeze can travel up to five feet which is why everyone who sneezes should cover their nose to avoid spreading the germs. Medical experts explain that a sneeze travels that much a distance because of the force behind it. Since mucus particles are so tiny, it can travel easily. 

Image Source: www.hautepeople.net/

6Sneezing workouts your entire body

A single sneeze involves your throat, nose, chest, diaphragm and abdomen. All of these parts of the body are stimulated in preparation for the steps of a sneeze which is instant and within seconds. 

Image Source: amazon.com

7Your mucus color means something

One to two pints of mucus is produced by our noses daily. Healthy mucus should always be clear but if you notice it to be brown, yellow or green, it means you could be having an infection and congestion. The white blood cells work to fight infection in your respiratory tract and that is what discolors the mucus. 

Image Source: ytimg.com

8One sneeze produces up to 40,000 droplets

This is an important sneezing fact to prevent spreading germs. Now you know why you should use a handkerchief or sneeze into your elbow? 

Image Source: wikimedia.org

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