Only Schizophrenics and Geniuses Will Answer These Three Simple Questions Correctly

By Andrew Alpin, 8 June 2017

3 This Is What Your Answers Mean

So!! Are you a schizophrenic or a genius?? IF YOU COULDN’T THINK OF AN ANSWER TO THE QUESTIONS, GUESS WHAT ??? You are a perfectly healthy person. Now that got you didn’t it?? But!! Is the questions turned out real simple for you then you are inclined to have psychological problems and it would be beneficial to seek psychological evaluation and advice. The test which you just underwent is called the Contraposition method and is used in revealing the extent of a person’s awareness.

If a normal person was asked “what a crow and a desk have in common?” the standard answer would be probably “NOTHING”. That is correct to an extent because there is no real or general comparison between the two. But!! A schizophrenic will search for less prominent and deep connections between the two objects by exclaiming that since people write at desks, they can write letters with a quill using feathers that grow on a crow. That’s an intense and deep connection no normal person would search for.

The big question is how to differentiate between a genius and a schizophrenic? Well!! A schizophrenic will answer such questions instantly but a genius will take their time, a genius will concentrate and discard all obvious answers and the least interesting ones that enter their minds. They will then zero in on an amazing and unique answer.


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