Combining 3 cloves of garlic along with a tablespoon of honey will make a potent energizing tonic for you. If you take the garlic honey tonic for 7 days, the combined effects of both these miracle ingredients will improve your general health.
The solution will boost your immunity, reduce your cholesterol and maintain weight. Moreover your general health improves as this is a great tonic to prevent colds and common disease. Due to the enzymes and high nutritional value of honey, your digestion improves and you gain the benefit of a variety of minerals and vitamins in your body. Within 7 days, you’ll be healthy, revitalized and rejuvenated.
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Take 4 heads of garlic and separate the cloves but do not peel them, just remove the flaky outer layer. Now put these into a jar and pour 1 cup of raw honey over them. Ensure the garlic is covered with honey. Allow to infuse for three days after which you can start taking the solution.
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