Remarkable Study Finds Fasting 72 Hours Regenerates The Entire Immune System

By Andrew Alpin, 12 March 2018

4Controversy and debate over fasting

There is huge controversy on the issue of fasting diets as it also invites the risks of potential health hazards. However, supporters of fasting say that it normalizes insulin, reduces triglyceride levels, and slows down ageing. Fasting diets range from intermittent fasting of 14 to 18 hours to other forms of fasting. On the other hand, nutritionists argue that fasting leads to acidity problems, loss of nutrients and deprives the body of healthy vegetables, lean protein and fats. 

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5What the study was about

The research conducted at the University of South California has put this debate in the forefront providing food for thought on the pros and cons of fasting. The study involved a group of participants that were asked to fast for 2-4 days regularly for 6 months. During the period, the participants underwent various tests in which researchers found some remarkable results.

“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system," added Prof Longo. 


6Marked decrease in cancer-causing hormones

The researchers observed that there was a marked decrease in the production of an enzyme called PKA which was a hormone that increased cancer risk and tumor growth. Even the immune system was given a complete overhaul. Professor Longo remarked that the study recorded a decrease in white blood cell with fasting on a prolonged period. Once you start eating again, the blood cells return and this is the question the researchers had as the foremost on their minds. Said Longo “So, we started thinking, well, where does it come from?” 

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7An extremely promising study that can benefit cancer patients undergoing chemo

The study according to the researchers and Doctor Longo is extremely promising for patients especially those under chemotherapy whose immune systems were depleted making them susceptible to disease. It could also prove helpful for aged people with low immunity.

According to the research, fasting initiated a switch in the body which signalled a “stem-cell based regeneration of the hematopoietic system.” In the condition of fasting, the body depletes its glucose stores, fats and ketones. It also broke down the white blood cells which then forced the body to regenerate its immune system. 

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