Home / Health / Remarkable Study Finds Fasting 72 Hours Regenerates The Entire Immune System

Remarkable Study Finds Fasting 72 Hours Regenerates The Entire Immune System

By Andrew Alpin, 12 March 2018


Although it may have been 3 years old but a study in 2014 hit upon an amazing discovery that found that seventy-two hours fasting regenerates the immune system. The findings have been observed even in the elderly and scientists called it a fascinating and remarkable discovery.

1The new study that shows how fasting can reboot immunity


In the same breath, nutritionists and doctors worldwide have criticized fasting diets as they are detrimental to health but this particular one was targeted at cancer patients suffering under the effects of chemo where such a diet was found to regenerate their immune system. 

fasting can reboot immunity

Image Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

2Fasting kickstarted immunity cells


According to research from a small study conducted at the University of South California, it was found that fasting and starving the body kick-starts stem cells which produce new white blood cells to regenerate the immune systems and fight infection. They found that the practice benefitted cancer patients on chemo. It could also benefit the aged whose immune system degenerates making it harder to fight disease.

 Fasting kickstarted immunity cells

Image Source: truththeory.com

3Fasting switched on regeneration


According to the study, fasting actually switches on a regenerative switch in the body prompting stem cells to produce brand new white blood cells. This regenerated the entire immune system. Basically, the process gives the 'OK' for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system," said Prof Valter Longo, Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the University of California.

 Fasting switched on regeneration

Image Source: awarenessact.com

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