19 Awful Fashion Decisions That Designers Should Be Ashamed Of

By Nenad Dojcinovski, 13 May 2018

11Sneakers that you can only use to take out the trash

You probably think this is not the worst you’ve seen, and you’re right. These…let’s call them shoes, don’t look that bad. However, the price tag could be a problem. They’re probably around $500, on discount of course.

Image Source: .brightside.me

12Not the part of nature that we need to copy

There are tons of beautiful birds with amazing feathers that you can find in nature. And not just birds, nature is full with beautiful designs and colors. Which raises an important question, why would turn this particular cow’s part of the boy into a purse?

Image Source: diarioelcomunal.com

13It seems like this pair of sneakers were made for a cartoon character

They look perfect for Halloween and Halloween only. Even though there’s a Converse logo on this pair of Chernobyl sneakers, we highly doubt they were made by the official company.

Image Source: porosenka.net

14Plastic pants? Really?

Is that someone who’s willing to buy and wear these pants? What were the designers thinking? Yes, you will be noticed in these pants for sure. But if that’s your only goal, you might as well go out naked.

Image Source: diply.com

15Probably not a good idea to express your admiration for a movie star

Steve Buscemi is clearly not happy for being printed on yoga pants. Just look at his face expression. That’s not how a happy person looks like.

Image Source: zefirka.net

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