21 Little-known Facts About the American Secret Service

By Andrew Alpin, 12 November 2017

11Presidents are given code names

All Presidents have a code name. Every president’s family has individual code names assigned to them but they all start with the same letter. Obama’s code name was Renegade and Michelle Obama chose renaissance. The daughters were named Rosebud and radiance. 

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12They used AL Capone’s car for FDR

The secret service was in a dilemma after Pearl Harbor. They needed armored protection for the then President Roosevelt but there was no money to get one. While they waited for FDR’s sunshine special to get an upgrade, they acquired Al Capone’s former vehicle and used it for the president. 

Image Source: www.essexvoicespast.com

13They take part in the Presidents hobbies

It is a rule that the agents have to participate in the things the Presidents like doing. If he is into jogging, then they too have to rise and shine to go jogging with him. This is necessary so they can be with him and protect him at all times. 

Image Source: www.politico.com

14The secret service has a backup to airforce one

The secret service uses Air force one as the president's official flight for traveling abroad but there is always a backup whose location is kept a secret and travels at the same time as them. It will also land with the same detail and agents well prepared in case something goes wrong. 

Image Source: www.whitehouse.gov

15The agency has a massive forensics unit

The secret service has a killer forensics it which has the world’s largest ink library. It also possesses superior high tech audio enhancing equipment. Al this was authorized by President Clinton in 1994 to help in the matter that involved finding exploited and missing children. 

Image Source: www.h-cdn.co

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