21 Little-known Facts About the American Secret Service

By Andrew Alpin, 12 November 2017

It doesn’t really need to be said that the American Secret Service if of course Very Very secret! But have you ever wondered who are the secret service?? Are they a branch of the CIA or FBI?? The secret service is entrusted with many tasks the most important of which is guarding the President of the United States and his family. They are also in charge of security of visiting foreign dignitaries and the Vice-president too.

Looking behind the scenes, there are many fascinating facts about the secret service which obviously isn’t very secret or else you wouldn’t be reading this. Some of these facts are surprising too. 

1The secret service was established by President Lincoln

Believe it or not, the secret service was established by President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, the very day he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. Presidential protection became part of the Agency’s job 36 years after that. At the time of its establishment, it was part of the US Treasury and was formed to combat counterfeiting of US currency I 1901. It is one of the oldest law enforcement agencies in the world. The first head of the secret service was William .P. Wood. 

Image Source: www.mentalfloss.com

2How many agents in the Secret service

The actual number of the secret service is much more than you think. There are almost 6500 agents in the secret service which excludes the many workers who also work for the protection unit. 

Image Source: www.kienthuc.net.vn

3They began protecting presidents in 1901

After the assassination of President William McKinley, The secret service was entrusted with the security of the Presidents of the USA. In 1902, they assumed full-time duties as Presidential protection but only two agents were assigned to the White House. 

Image Source: www.usnews.com

4The Training

Secret service members have to undergo rigorous training that is reported to include throwing themselves in front of bullets and surviving in water. Every agent has to pass a development skills course every 8 weeks to keep up his fitness and intelligence levels. 

Image Source: www.usssinc.com

5They don’t only guard the president

The secret service is entrusted with the families of the president, his wife, former presidents and even families of former presidents. That’s pretty amazing and good to know that once a man leaves the president’s office, he is still safe. 


6Medical skills

Every secret service agent possesses basic medical skills so they can administer emergency treatment and save lives. Every President’s route is searched thoroughly where a hospital should be located always 10 minutes away from the President. 

Image Source: www.defense.gov

7They carry the president’s blood

In order to be able to provide the president an emergency blood transfusion, they carry a pouch of his blood type at all times as they may have need of it in any situation. This is a very real scenario because if one remembers, former president Ronald Reagan was shot at one time. This is why they must be prepared for any eventuality. 

Image Source: www.conservativereview.com

8The secret service has never been betrayed by a traitor

Unlike the FBI or the COA, there have been no leaks or tell tales. The Other agencies have been infiltrated by foreign agents but the secret service has always had a clean record on that front. There has also never been a whistler or traitor in the organization. 

Image Source: www.truthrevolt.org

9The FBI was born out of the secret service

In 1908, the justice department needed manpower to conduct national level investigations. SO they pulled agents from the secret service. The initial number was nine who became part of a group named the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

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10Mount Weather isn’t a myth

There is actually a Mount Weather facility in the Blue Ridge Mountains called the emergency operations center which is used by FEMA or federal emergency management agency. However, it has also been reported that an underground bunker exists in the mountain to hide one government representative during any event where state officials collect for a meeting. This means that no terrorist organization can destroy the administration. 

Image Source: www.zetatalk.com

11Presidents are given code names

All Presidents have a code name. Every president’s family has individual code names assigned to them but they all start with the same letter. Obama’s code name was Renegade and Michelle Obama chose renaissance. The daughters were named Rosebud and radiance. 

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12They used AL Capone’s car for FDR

The secret service was in a dilemma after Pearl Harbor. They needed armored protection for the then President Roosevelt but there was no money to get one. While they waited for FDR’s sunshine special to get an upgrade, they acquired Al Capone’s former vehicle and used it for the president. 

Image Source: www.essexvoicespast.com

13They take part in the Presidents hobbies

It is a rule that the agents have to participate in the things the Presidents like doing. If he is into jogging, then they too have to rise and shine to go jogging with him. This is necessary so they can be with him and protect him at all times. 

Image Source: www.politico.com

14The secret service has a backup to airforce one

The secret service uses Air force one as the president's official flight for traveling abroad but there is always a backup whose location is kept a secret and travels at the same time as them. It will also land with the same detail and agents well prepared in case something goes wrong. 

Image Source: www.whitehouse.gov

15The agency has a massive forensics unit

The secret service has a killer forensics it which has the world’s largest ink library. It also possesses superior high tech audio enhancing equipment. Al this was authorized by President Clinton in 1994 to help in the matter that involved finding exploited and missing children. 

Image Source: www.h-cdn.co

16The Presidential Car is called “The Beast"

The secret service is in charge of transporting the President in custom-built protective vehicles. The official state car is a customized Cadillac nicknamed ‘The Beast”. The vehicle is equipped with advanced technology and defense mechanisms as well as a communication device to protect the president. 

Image Source: www.businessinsider.com

17Jacqueline Kennedy would bum cigarettes of her husband’s agent

John Kennedy’s wife Jackie would always take drugs of cigarettes from agent Clint Hill who was in the car at the time Kennedy was assassinated. Jackie had a huge smoking problem which she tried to conceal. 

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18The death car

Since the tragic assassination of Kennedy, secret service agents started driving another vehicle alongside the president’s car filming it. This was done in order to gain footage of the president at all times. This will also help determine any untoward incident that may happen. 

Image Source: www.pinimg.com

19President Johnson did not respect his agents

On one occasion it was reported that LBJ wanted to take a pee which he did shielded by an agent. He instead peed on the agent’s leg, seems his aim wasn’t good. When the agent remarked that it was gross, Johnson replied "That's all right, son. It's my prerogative."


Image Source: www.businessinsider.com

20To Keep out the sun D-UH!!!!

Many theories claim that they wear sunglasses to prevent people from observing where they are looking but that’s just an assumption, the main reason is what sunglasses are worn for and that is to shield the eyes from the sun. 

Image Source: www.thesecurityadvisor.co.uk

21Secret service agents can always be seen with hands near their waists

In most cases, a secret service agent will have their hands near their waist to show that they are always ready to reach for a weapon. The position may differ but the intention is to show possible attackers that they are on high alert at all times.

Image Source: www.liked.hu

Hope you enjoyed these facts about the American Secret Service, please give your feedback in the comment section.


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