But where the family cloth is concerned for adults, it grossed out many people. Take a look what some had to say and it seems it isn’t just us who feel so.
Twitter user Nicole Cliffe wrote: (@Nicole_Cliffe) “ahhhh family cloth, my one true enemy”.
Image Source: providr.com
Another Twitter used Wario Wario Van Peebles said
(@B1andzig), had a slightly more offended tone, writing, “This morning I learned about ‘family cloth’ and now I’m suing you all.”
Amy Shuford tweeted (@angelamy444) “Surely this is the fall of Western civilization #No Words #familycloth”. But hey, if you’d rather spend more money on laundry detergent, who are we to stop you?
Image Source: www.providr.com
Experts advocate the use of bidets as the most hygienic way of cleaning poop. If you don’t like your hand coming in contact with feces, then this is a great method to reduce the chances of spreading infection like E coli. According to a study in the Journal of Korean Medical Science, Bidets also deliver the process of a sitz bath for anal fissures, piles and injuries. Wet wipes pollute the environment.
Image Source: lifealth.com