Some People Are Ditching Toilet Paper In Favor Of Reusable Family Cloth, How Good Or Bad Is It?

By Andrew Alpin, 28 March 2018

10Many are grossed out at the subject of family cloth

But where the family cloth is concerned for adults, it grossed out many people. Take a look what some had to say and it seems it isn’t just us who feel so.

Twitter user Nicole Cliffe wrote: (@Nicole_Cliffe) “ahhhh family cloth, my one true enemy”.

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11What others had to say?

Another Twitter used Wario Wario Van Peebles said

(@B1andzig), had a slightly more offended tone, writing, “This morning I learned about ‘family cloth’ and now I’m suing you all.”

Amy Shuford tweeted (@angelamy444) “Surely this is the fall of Western civilization #No Words #familycloth”. But hey, if you’d rather spend more money on laundry detergent, who are we to stop you?

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12Why water is the best choice for cleaning poop

Experts advocate the use of bidets as the most hygienic way of cleaning poop. If you don’t like your hand coming in contact with feces, then this is a great method to reduce the chances of spreading infection like E coli. According to a study in the Journal of Korean Medical Science, Bidets also deliver the process of a sitz bath for anal fissures, piles and injuries. Wet wipes pollute the environment.

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