12 Brilliant Period Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever

By GARGI CHAKRAVORTY, 3 February 2018

4Avoid salty snacks

Unfortunately, chips or snacks with high salt content will only increase pain and the internal swelling which are highly inconvenient. Just for those 5 days, stay away from salty snacking. In the days before your period, your body starts storing sodium and fluids. Adding sodium form snacks to that when you are already bloated will make it worse. Eat low sodium snacks instead.

Image Source: www.hayzedmagazine.com

5Period apps

Did you really think in this crazy techno era they have not figured this one out yet? Yes, there are many period apps to keep your period days in track which can help you calculate (or rather let your smartphones do it for you) and keep you alert for it.

Image Source: www.makeuseof.com

6Zero caffeine

Again, a red flag for those red….days, yes pun intended! Caffeine content makes the cramps much more severe and also does not allow your stomach muscles to relax which are anyways twisted out due to the periods, so stay de-cafe during your periods.

Image Source: invorma.com

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