Periods are those few dreaded days which every adult young lady has to bear with a smile on her face every month and be a trooper. It does not matter whether you are an athlete, business woman, academician or a family maker, the literal pain as well as the inconvenience of finding the perfect hygiene product can really be irritating to say the least. But we here are to make your periods pass on like a breeze, just follow these period hacks and you’ll sail through the worst of it.
1Cup it!
Yes, you heard it right; pads and tampons are really passé now. The latest innovation to adopt is the menstrual cups which is the new age female hygiene product. It is meant to keep you unsoiled and unspoilt for the day. Made out of medical grade silicone, these latest re-usable contraptions are eco friendly and practical. It is also 99% leak proof. Tampons can cause dryness by absorbing 65% menstrual fluid and 35% moisture. The cup will not interfere with the natural vaginal environment.

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2Period panties
Period Panties are complete leak proof underwear for those special days and can absorb heavy duty flow. The best part is this underwear is washable. You can actually wear these all day without feeling wet or any leak. If you don’t like a menstrual cup, then use the period panty which is a good alternative.

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3Hot bag or hot sock
The worst parts of periods are not the periods themselves but the annoying cramps which comes as a free gift with it. If at home and under the attack of serious cramps use hot water bags and in the worst case scenarios use a sock full of rice or any grains. Heat it on the microwave and heat your way to your relief.

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